Tree Guide

Mount Hope Cemetery was welcomed and designated a national arboretum by the American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta in 1999.  To share this experience with “The Friends of Mount Hope Cemetery” and others in our community we initiated a program to identify and mark many of our trees and will continue this process to share with you a treasure that belongs to all.

The earliest tree we believe may be 150 years old as early records tell of the planting of a beech tree on the hill just inside the cemetery.  You will find an American Beech that now measures more than 17 ft. in circumference on the “hill”.  Add to this the many other unusual and interesting specimens and you can enjoy a landscape of unique historical and botanical significance.

Mount Hope Cemetery, consecrated in 1850, was one of America’s early garden cemeteries patterned after the rolling landscapes of European parks and estates. The beauty of the cemetery grounds and historical time lines that date this community, offer a setting for reflection, walking and observing nature. Click on the following link for a printable tour to some of our most interesting trees including their common names and scientific names.  Tree Guide
